Monday, December 9, 2019

Analysing Personality and Organizational Growth †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Analysing Personality and Organizational Growth. Answer: Personality influence on personal and professional lives The big five personality model helps to identifies and analyse an individuals behaviour at workplace or in their personal lives. There are five personality traits known as OCEAN forms a strong basis for analysing the personality of an individual (Rothmann Coetzer, 2003). After taking the personality test the results found were as follows: In the organization open mindedness level is very important as it shows the flexibility in adapting new things and have an ability to listen to new ideas but in my case it was found to be average which implies that an individual is hesitant to adapt changes and try something new. It is a major hurdle in any organizational growth. In personal life I am reluctant to try out new things and want to follow the conventional routine (Bailey, 2014). The high conscientiousness level signifies that as a professional I am well planned and set realistic goals and very persistent in achieving them and when it comes to the personal life, I am capable of dealing with lifes tough situation and my lifes decisions are governed by values and principles. The extraversion level was below average which means in professional life, I am very resistant when it comes to communicate my views on certain issues. In personal life I am an introvert and not socially active. The agreeableness level was found to be very high which means I cannot break trust or deceive anyone for my personal benefit. Also I am good listener and very concerned about others problem and their well-being. The negative emotionality level was very low. In case of any issues in my professional life, I tend to be calm and handle the stressful situation efficiently. Also I have less anger issues. Personality traits and core values of the role model The role model that I have chosen is Late Steve Jobs, who was the cofounder of Apple Inc. The personality traits of Steve Jobs are: He was a visionary leader; with his innovative products from iPod to iPhone to MacBook he changed the future of technology (Kalla, 2012). He made everyone believe in his vision and delivered something beyond everyones expectations. Perseverance and Passion was reflected in Steve Jobs journey. When he was thrown out from the Apple Inc. he started his own companies Pixar and Next whose shares were later purchased by the Apple. This gave him a way to enter into that organization again and accomplish his dream of making innovative and technologically advanced products. The core value of Steve Jobs was innovation. He and his team were responsible for making revolutionary products which have changed the way how we use the smartphones and computers. He believed in the philosophy of Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish which means an individual should always be hungry for learning and innovating something new and staying foolish so that one can always learn from their mistakes. Steve Jobs surprised everyone with its voice assistant Siri and their famous iPods changed the music listening experience of everyone. He believed in breaking the stereotypes and innovating something unconventional. IPods are the clear example. When Sony was ruling the music player department with Walkman, Steve Jobs dared to launched his IPods and in no time they replaced Walkman and captured the market. The core values of Steve Jobs have helped Apple to become a Global Leader in Technological products. References Bailey, S. (2014). Can Personality Predict Performance? Retrieved from on 5 May 2017. Kalla, S. (2012). 10 Leadership Tips from Steve Jobs. Retrieved from on 5 May 2017. Rothmann, S. Coetzer, E.P. (2003). THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY DIMENSIONS AND JOB PERFORMANCE. Retrieved from on 5 May 2017.

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